Birdwatching with guide at San Rafael Nature Reserve
Birdwatching in Paraguay
Paraguay, is an off-the-beaten-path destination that offers a wealth of birding opportunities that rival many of the most popular eco-tourist destinations on the planet.
Your guide for birdwatching will be a well-respected, professional field biologist. In addition to being an incredibly enthusiastic, nice guy, he is also one of the top regional bird experts in Paraguay. He has authored several field guides and scientific publications and his bird trips and expertise are sought after by Audubon Societies, Sunbird Tours, BirdQuest, and others worldwide.
Visitors can build a large and varied animal list with minimum traveling in Paraguay.
Whether you are a serious ticker with a "wish-list" or an interested amateur keen to see as many of Paraguay´s natural wonders as possible, we can design a tour that meets your interests.
Tell us about your interests by completing the custom birdwatching tour request form or call to chat about your interests and trip options with a Trico Tours travel specialist.

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Primary regions for birdwatching in Paraguay:

Atlantic Forest: San Rafael Reserve
The Area Designated for San Rafael National Park is the largest remaining block of Atlantic Forest in Paraguay and also includes a substantial area of Mesopotamian Flooded Grasslands. With some 410 species of birds recorded at the reserve, this is one of Paraguay´s biodiversity hotspots and there is enormous potential for building a large and varied ticklist. Our main targets will be Atlantic Forest endemic species such as Surucua Trogon, Spot-backed Antshrike, Yellow-fronted, White-spotted and Robust Woodpecker, Pileated Parrot,Spot-winged Wood-quail, Buff-bellied Puffbird, Spot-billed and Saffron Toucanet. In the Kanguery grasslands, we will watch for localized species such as Grass Wren, Capped Seedeater, Saffron-cowled Blackbird and Sharp-tailed Tyrant. Depending on the time of year we will also be searching for reptiles and amphibians.

Atlantic Forest: Mbaracayu Nature Reserve
A model reserve and perfectly-preserved Atlantic Forest make for some exciting birding. With over 400 bird species occurring in the reserve, as well as a healthy population of Jaguar, tapir and other large mammals, the possibilities for what you might encounter during your short break here are endless. Birders will be keen to track down the earsplitting Bare-throated Bellbird, the prehistoric-looking Black-fronted Piping-Guan and the charismatic Helmeted Woodpecker. Even non-birders will appreciate the awesome diversity of plant and animal life on display.

Cerrado: Laguna Blanca Nature Reserve
Set on the shores of a crystal clear lake with a glorious sandy beach, Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca is an idyllic place. Add to that the fact that it is home to a banquet of globally-threatened birds. The cerrado is one of the fastest-disappearing habitats on earth, yet it is doing so quietly and along with it are disappearing the unique community of birds and animals that inhabit it - an extraordinary total of 14 globally-threatened birds occur on this 2000ha estate. The Cerrado region is of particular interest to birders because of the restricted-range, highly-threatened species that inhabit it.

Mesopotamian Flooded Grasslands
Part of a localized and threatened habitat-type known as the "Mesopotamian Flooded Grasslands", the Pastizales del Sur offer a unique opportunity for birders to concentrate on the secretive denizens that inhabit this marshy region. With possible species including the globally threatened "cappuccino" seedeaters, the stunning Saffron-cowled Blackbird and the rare Ochre-breasted Pipit, this is a tour for serious birders looking for a list of seriously localized species.

The Chaco
The tour begins with a drive through the lush palm savannas of the Humid Chaco, a paradise for waterbirds, with visits to the IBA Central Chaco lagoons area and finally the deepest Dry Chaco. Our targets are the Chaco "Big Six" - Black-legged Seriema, Black-bodied Woodpecker, Chaco Owl, Quebracho Crested Tinamou, Crested Gallito and Spot-winged Falconet. Birders might expect a list of somewhere in the region of 200 species at peak times of year. Paraguay’s winter is a great time of year for migrant waterfowl, including flocks of wintering Greater Flamingo. Mammal lovers will hope to see Puma, Plains Vizcacha and Lowland Tapir. Reptiles and amphibians are seasonal in appearance.

The Pantanal
Few people even realize that the Pantanal reaches Paraguay, but unlike the touristic Brazilian side, the Paraguayan Pantanal is rarely-visited by foreigners and makes for a fascinating voyage to an unspoilt paradise. The Paraguayan Pantanal is home to a series of birds with an isolated range in Paraguay which will be our main targets. These include Grey-crested Cacholote, White-backed Fire-eye, Mato Grosso Antbird, Golden-collared Macaw, Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, White-lored, Rusty-backed and Cinereous-breasted Spinetails, Green-cheeked and Blaze-winged Parakeet, Silver-beaked Tanager, Fawn-breasted Wren and Common Tody-Flycatcher.

Asuncion: Bahia de Asuncion
A RAMSAR site and Important Bird Area, the Bahía de Asunción is a vital stopover for migrant waterbirds. Despite being just a stonesthrow from the capital city, some 300 species have been recorded here. "The bay" provides easy birding with a mixture of aquatic and wetland birds and over 100 species possible in a single morning at peak times of year - all against the dramatic backdrop of the City of Asunción waterfront.

Asuncion: Botanical Garden
The former estate of the ruling López dynasty, Asunción´s Jardín Botánico counts on a small natural reserve of dry forest that makes for some excellent birding. Look out for species like Pale-crested Woodpecker, Flavescent Warbler and Blue-winged Parrotlet, and don´t be surprised if your path is crossed by the resident troop of Brown Capuchin monkeys that make their home in this city centre park. With a variety of species gathering here, the Jardín Botánico offers a gentle introduction to birding in Paraguay with a list of 70 species possible in a single morning at peak times of year.

Asuncion: Arroyos y Esteros
Arroyos y Esteros literally means "streams and marshes" and is an accurate description of the habitat that you will find here. A short drive from Asunción this is a great site for a much sought after and globally-threatened bird, the spectacular Strange-tailed Tyrant. Its not the only exciting bird you will see of course and an array of marshbirds like Long-tailed Reedfinch, Lesser Grassfinch, Crested Doradito, seedeaters and others will also be on your list.
Birdwatching descriptions used with permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Photographs on this page were taken by Paul Smith, Alberto Madroño, Jonathan Newman, Sylvia Qu, David Gill, Arne Lesterhuis, Hemme Batjes, Christoph Liedtke, Myriam Velázquez, Neil Poppendeck, Karina Diarte and Hugo del Castillo and are used with permission.
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